Let's tell those stories
Latest Episodes
Kap Sevilleja - Soaring into Programming
In today's episode, I sit down and talk with Kap Sevilleja, a former flight attendant and current developer whose passion is building community.You can find Kap on the...
Samuel Robertson - Intern to Indie Hacker
In this episode, I chat with a friend and former intern of mine, Samuel Robertson. He's had a pretty cool run working at various companies that you have definitely hea...
Katin Tran - Always Learning
In this interview, I sit down and talk with my coworker Katin Tran, who has a unique background of cross-cultural study and interdisciplinary experience. Listen as we ...
Marvellous - Student and Professional
In this episode, I sit down with Marvellous, a developer I met online who built the Artisan UI component library and is still working his way through college. He share...
Sabine - Academia to OCaml
In this episode, I sit down and chat with Sabine, the community-proclaimed Queen of OCaml. We trace her journey through academia, a sewing SaaS, and finally to her cur...